Emotional Clearing for Horses
Goal Balancing and Emotional Clearing for Horses
A one day class
A horse’s inner emotional landscape has a huge effect on their well-being; physically, socially, mentally and spiritually.
Uncovering and healing unresolved negative emotions is critical in helping our equine friends de-stress and live healthy, happy lives. Equally important is integrating new behavioral responses that incorporate and align with healthier emotional responses. This is what goal balancing does. The goal balancing process by-passes the conscious mind to install the new understanding in the physical and energy systems of the horse.
When I first taught the Kinesiology For Horses class in Santa Fe we had a horse in her late teens who would not cross-over with her foot work. The owner prompted her without any success. With muscle testing we discovered the horse ‘felt old.’ The horse had a belief it was old! We balanced the horse with the goal ‘I feel young again’. As soon as we finished she performed cross-overs without hesitation as if to say, ‘look at me, I feel young and can dance.’
An additional important factor to helping horses transform is uncovering and clearing equine fears. In this one day class learn to use a database of common and not-so-common equine fears to enhance the goal balancing process. This new information opens up more possibilities for clearing unresolved fears, behavioral issues and anxieties that might be masking the underlying cause of issues from digestive problems to social and behavioral challenges.
If you previously took the Kinesiology For Horses this class will deepen and extend those elements that you learned before.
If you haven’t taken the Kinesiology For Horses class, this stand alone training will give you all the necessary tools to discover emotional challenges and fears impacting your horses life. And also the skills to magically transform those emotional challenges, stressors and anxieties. Allowing your horse to be their best.
Emotions are the key to health and happiness for horses and humans. When we discover and balance unresolved emotions, challenging life issues including physical pain and behavioral problems can clear up quickly.
Learn how you could have a closer connection with your horse and take control of those areas of health that you, as the owner and friend, are in a best position to understand and improve. Imagine how inspired you will feel knowing you can enhance the emotional life of your horse, and heal her with your own hands.
In this class you will get hands-on training and supervision in the art and science of muscle testing, how to create effective goals, the emotional discovery process, equine fears management and a manual to take home covering everything taught in the class.